dimanche 20 mars 2011

Did This Anti-Saudi Song Kill Tunisian Thekra?

Tunisian singer Thekra had a song that really embarrassed the King of Saudi, it mocked him and called him in his support for the invasion on Iraq. The song was very bold and put the guys running Saudi Arabia Mecca and the Kaaba. The song says the protester of the holy city of Mecca is being protected by a bunch of thieves.

Thekra even said in the song if us going to Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) mean that we have to thank you, you will do it later. While those all very real and true pictures the singer paints, they are fighting words and I am sure they have ticked off someone in Saudi.

While this song was never released in a mainstream outlet, it's now being blamed for the death of the singer who died in very suspicious circumstances. Her husband was blamed for shooting her and her friends then was reported to have committed suicide. The official reported blamed drinking and jealously.

The thing is the husband does not drink alcohol, he has a stomach ulcer making it impossible for him to tolerate alcohol. So needless to say the family wants to reopen investigations and find out who really killed this once very popular and capable singer.

الاغنية التي قتلت المغنية التونسية ذكرى

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