jeudi 24 mars 2011

When It Comes to Egypt, Assi Wants In

It takes a real Lebanese celebrity to channel his inner Egypt and pitch in to say few kind words about the revolution in Egypt that has touched each and every Arab living inside or outside that part of the world.

Before releasing a song about/ for Egypt, the singer had enough time to sing for the Saudi King and celebrate his safe return from his medical trouble. Not sure if those two events are related, maybe Assi Hillani was waiting to get a good song so that he can deliver it. Two other Lebanese singers have already did songs for the Egyptian revolution, Carole Samahe and Nancy Ajram both did two wonderful song using the Egyptian dialect.

The song plays like a remix of an nationalistic song and dramatic one. It's in Egyptian dialect, Assi has not done much work in Egyptian dialect, his signature style is Lebanese. It cannot be an Egypt song unless you bring up the Nile, the Pyramids, and the mother of the world. Enjoy

عاصي الحلاني أغنية مصر العظيمة

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