jeudi 17 mars 2011

Ihab Tawfik & Assi Helani: The Odd Couple

One is Egyptian and the other is Lebanese; one loves horses and thinks he is a knight, the other loves to get in touch with his softer side; one is a fixture of strong manly Lebanese style songs, the other loves his romance and blues. Ihab has been around longer than Assi has, but Assi has had a better decade than Ihab.

These guys appeared once on a TV show and performed a song together, they chose an Abel Halim essential. Al Toobah was their choice. I think they did it well giving the set up and the fact that these stars have never crossed path before. While both singers have a fair share of duets in their career, this one is one of the rare occasions when too males perform a song.

They are both capable and both have different fan base and styles, the live song deserves some credit. I am sure the singers and the fan memorized the song as it's one of those songs that never gets old. While those tow stars are still rocking to the best of their ability, they have to deal with loads of new young and quite interesting voices.

عاصي الحلاني و أيهاب توفيق أعنية كل ما أقول التوبة

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