lundi 21 mars 2011

Mohammad Monir Votes & More

Mohamed Mounir, the singer known as the voice of Egypt is in love with Egypt and has been clear about that since he started singing 30 years ago. He released "Ezay" a very powerful song about change in Egypt, it was banned by the State TV for couple of days till Mubarak was kicked out.

The song went on to become the unofficial song of the revolution and it had a global audience all over the world. Many international press picked on this very powerful and upbeat song that moves you even thought you might not understand Arabic. Few days ago the popular singer recorded a message in an effort to heal support the Egyptian stock exchange.

Watch this clip of the iconic singer head to the poll to cast his ballot for the first Egypt free election. See the fans shower the singer with love and attention. For many he is a hero who has always been close to the people an voiced their concerns in his movies and music.

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