vendredi 22 avril 2011

Amani Swissi Goes All In For Tunisia

Unfortunately, not too many Arab entertainers sang for Tunisia and its revolution, many seemed to skip it and go right in to sing for Egypt. Including Tunisian singers themselves, like Latifa, who sang for Egypt and its revolution an stayed mum on the Tunisian revolution.

But when you are Ameni Swissie, a singer from Tunisia and have a dreamy voice, you cannot help it but celebrate the Tunisian dream. they are your people after all and you live there, you grew up there, they made you who you are. that's a young singer the country must be proud of. It seems that many Tunisian singers have been written off like Hind Sabry who sort of was late to support the movement.

Now comes this song from Ameni from the homeland, with some pictures of the Tunisian revolution. The song itself plays like a theme song that plays right before a movie or a TV drama. Then you get to see the singer with a new look. There is more newspaper clips that talk up the people's movement.

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