mercredi 13 avril 2011

Foad Al Mohandis Egypt is My Mother

One of the most creative and resourceful comedians of Egypt is the late Foad Al Mohandis who started in dozens of fun movies and helped launch the career of so many comedians in Egypt. He is the comedian that your father and mother love and you enjoy as well. He acts, cracks jokes, sings and dances all for your entertainment

Foad also has a number of songs in his movies, mostly fun, but the song that lives to tell his story and legacy is the one when he sang "Egypt is My mother" like my honor and everything I know I know because of her. In other word, Egypt is a red line that cannot be crossed.

Of course this is not an all serious song, it's fun. The Nile is my blood, its sun has baked my skin. Go visit Egypt, the place of history and generosity. the song came in 1976 and made some waves before it got remade by another Egyptian singer who sort of made it their own.

فؤاد المهندس - مصر هي أمي

أغنية مصر هي أمي من فيلم فيفا زلاطة لفؤاد المهندس و هو أول واحد غناها و بعد كدة عفاف راضي غنتها

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