lundi 11 avril 2011

Finally, Jan#25 Gets To Tell The Story

On TV Egyptian TV network beat to the punch most TV network with a project about the January 25th revolution. A number of the A list entertainers many of whom were visible during the protest in Tahir Square and other places have gotten together to tell the story of the revolution as they saw it.

It reads like a poem becasue it was put by a poet, Egyptian Ahmad Haddad, there's music in the background, black and white picture to tell the story of the people and the media talking heads who attacked them and tried to discredit them and bring their spirit down.

أوبريت حكاية الثورة - حصرياً في بلدنا بالمصري

"حكاية ثورة" من ألحان حازم شاهين وغناء إسكندريل وإخراج ناجى إسماعيل، وشارك في أدائها عدد كبير من الفنانين هم: محمود حميدة وعمرو واكد وبسمة وآسر ياسين ويسرا اللوزي وجيهان فاضل وكارولين خليل وكريم قاسم وعمرو عابد وفرح يوسف وسلوى محمد على.

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