mardi 19 avril 2011

Sofia El Marikh New Single

So what she was on Star academy few years ago? She was a participant who was able to perform Arabic, English and French songs so well. She is the dreamy voice. Sofia returned to Star Academy 8 and performed along with Ramy Ayach in a night of music and half naked dancers doing some cheesy and dated moves.

Of course Sofia Al Marikh feels at home, now she is out promoting a new single "Ahwak" "I Love You" delivered in an dialect closer to classical Arabic. sure the lady with her last name that means Mars, can take you there and brings you back with her dreamy voice.

While Sofia's career has yet to peak, she continues to find success with her old fan base, but in order to grow, she needs to do more and give more interviews and talk about her latest--if she has any.

فيديو كليب صوفيا المريخ تهواك

كلمات الأغنية "فى أعماقى أبحث كيف الزمان والوقت يقاس من ساعة ما عيناك آتت قلبى أيقظت فيها الإحساس كل شىء تبدل وجوه الناس أحبتها عيناى اختزلت المسافات رسمت الحكايات وأحببت الحياة.. أنا امرأة تهواك وأعشق من قلبى.. ولو أحببت من قبلى لن تهوى بعدى.. أهواك قلبى يسكنه هواك كيف أنساك؟".

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