mardi 27 décembre 2011

2012 The Year of Pop For Karim Mohsen

Kareem Mohsen is the new cool kid on the block, he is just making his career by being active and singing his own music. He has few friends in the business who seem to gamble on him, they are pushing him out there, hoping he will make them lots of money. Kareem is young, smart, talent and most of all polite.

Those kind of things plus some connections will get you far in the entertainment world. Someone in Mazzika, the company that for the money produces for Karim scouting a location for his latest single. A beach on the Red Sea, a model, a flashy cards and two pairs of jeans.I have liked pretty much all the songs Karim has released, but this single of his feels dated. It offers nothing in new in music and lyrics.

No doubt that fans of Karim will like this song, especially the young teens, but in reality, I think even Kareim knows this is not his best work. Karim Mohsen - Ehlawet El Donia / كريم محسن احلوت الدنيا

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