mercredi 21 décembre 2011

The First Mainstream Arabic Film About AIDS

The First Arabic Movie About Full Blown AIDS did not come from an Arab Gulf country where we read, AIDS and HIV are a reality--still hush hush though. It took an Egyptian lady and her story with AIDS to tell the first mainstream picture about people with this disease.

This is a big story especially when Hind Sabry, the Tunisian starlet popular in Egypt took the lead to tell the story. This looks like a solid drama about all the unique stories to Arabs living with it. From what we hear, the filmmakers manged to tell a human story that allowed the audience to see a compelling side--not to blame someone with AIDS.

The movie features a Hijab wearing lady, not your typical image you have on mind for someone living with AIDS, and that's the genius of this movie.

P.S. The lady the movie is telling her story has passed away days before the release of the movie.
هند صبري مصابة بمرض الأيدز

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