jeudi 15 décembre 2011

Karim Mohsen Is The Egyptian Justin Timberlake

Karim Mohsen knows how to compose a decent pop song, he made lots of them for the ungrateful voices like Tamer Hosny. Then little by little Karim started breaking out as a singer as well. He was introduced by Tamer Hosny and they did a duet together. Not sure, but then now Karim all of sudden is more likable than Tamer.

Karim did not do silly acts during the Egyptian revolution, Tamer did. Thus Egypt is a better place now for Karim as he can hold a concert with little backlash. Tamer has to got Australia and Qatar to earn a paycheck.

Karim just released a new single. I sort of have a crush on Karim, his voice is pretty solid, and his music is always interesting and upbeat.
Karim Mohsen - E7lawet El Donia / كريم محسن - احلوت الدنيا

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