mercredi 21 décembre 2011

Marc Black Crafts An Epic For Bouazizi

Few Arab singers told the story of the young man who set himself on fire protesting poverty and corruption in Tunis. Here's an American song that tells the story of Mohamed Bouazizi, the young Tunisan man who set himself on fire and changed the entire Arab World and with it the world. This track was written and recorded in New York by artists who watched the whole thing unfold and were inspired.

Marc Black on guitar and vocals, Brahim Fribgane on oud and percussion, Steve Gorn on bamboo flute, Don Davis on bass clarinet, Eric Parker on drum kit and Michael Esposito on electric bass.

The song is titled Sometimes A Spark takes you on a journey that chronicles the inception of the Arab Spring in that little Tunisian town to the streets of Cairo ending in the lobbies of Washington DC.

I spoke to Marc Black about his song, here's what he had to say

I read about Mohamed Bouazizi in the New York Times and I was immediately moved. I wanted to express how connected I felt to what was going on in Tunisia and, by that time, in Egypt.

Mohamed's story reminded me of the Rosa Park's incident in America in the 1950's The symbolism of an elderly black woman who refused to go to the back of the bus changed the world. Sometimes that's all it takes. And that's how I came up with the title…Sometime a Spark.

Then I decided to put the verses in a minor key and work with some men who are experienced in music from that part of the world. I hired Brahim Fribgane to play percussion and oud; and Steve Gorn to play wooden flute. I blended them with my regular band (from Woodstock, NY) to express the American musical landscape. This seem like the best way express our solidarity.

This has been a wonderful experience for me. I do hope I get the opportunity to sing this song in person in Tunisia one of these days.

Sometime A Spark

Marc received lots of positive feedback after posting on Facebook. One note came from a Tunisian man, Zied Mhirsi:

I just heard your song and I have to say that we LOVE it. This song is going to have an amazing effect on the Tunisians and the Egyptians who will hear it. This is the first time, we hear an american singing about our revolution and telling the story to his fellows. You are making us feel so proud of what we achieved and of what some have died for. Thank you.

And another one:
T.P.A.O (Tunisian Press Agency Observer) المستقلة Hi Marc .. We have found your song "Sometime a Spark" on an FB wall (Tunisia Live) .. we have eventually shared it .. Thank you for your song, for telling our story, and being clear that this is not an arab thing anymore.. simply a global issue .. Thank you Sir.

Nessim Bouslama also interviewed Marc on RTCI.

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