Syrian singer did not dear to be shot for this song, he did it anyway and it became the song of the Syrian revolution from a Syrian to his follow country men. This protest was in Canada in support of the people of Syria and their struggle for democracy.
The lyrcis are simply yet powerful and drive the sad message home, the message of ebing targeted killed for wanting nothing more than freedom. This is a bold song, it calls anyone who kills his own people a traitor, no matter who they are.
Hope is on the way and shame to those who open fire on the protesters, they will have to answer for this in this life and after.
Montreal demonstration_in solidarity with the silenced voices in Syria_30 March 2011
jeudi 31 mars 2011
The Dumpster Band From EUC Film

There are a lot of indie bands in Egypt who will benefit from the political change in their country as the censorship will give them more freedom to broadcast their work to broader audience. That's one thing in the entertainment circles they are talking about now. No more state subsidies for crappy entertainment....good stuff needs no government handout.
When you get a change go and see the new Egyptian movie EUC for one thing this son in it is entertaining. Not just that it raises some interesting social and educational points. Do we let students just memorize things without understanding them first. No we should not, but this is the state of education in most third world countries.
Noe give this band some lyrics, and few basic everyday instruments and they will make music and deliver you some high end music. He also talks about the social manners when they students rip from other students and not have the courtesy to ask for permission.
The movie even discusses issue of people dreaming of a visa to go somewhere and try their luck, they would pay top dollars for visas to go abroad. But hopeful that will change, no need to go away now, people are equal now or so is the intention. Unleash the power and talent of young people.
EUC أغنية حافظ مش فاهم - من فيلم
Diana Haddad Vs. Two Dudes! She Wins

Who does it best?
Whoever said that guys are better musicians than gals, I think deserves to be given an aware for being a big idiot. I have never believed this statement and now I know for fact, it's garbage.
Here is a song a very famous song that came in 2009, a Shaikh Mohammand Bin Sultan Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan from the UAE wrote the lyrics and gifted composer Walid Al Shamy wrote the music. Then comes two dudes took the song and tan with it. You have Saudi singer Rashid Al Majid and Emirate Hussian Al Jasmy, both are very fine singers and have great hits and a solid career. Those two singers performed this song as duet and it was a big hit.
But not until few days ago when Lebanese singer Diana Haddad covered the song in one of those Gulf Jalsat concerts (live singing circle of dance and good music in an intimate sitting) We all know Diana Haddad is one of the earliest Arab singers to perfect the Gulf dialect (born in Kuwait and spent most of her life in the UAE for she was married and had a family there)
Here are the two songs with the different artists and be the judge for yourself, I have made up my mind and I think Diana aced this one, she nailed it and manged to communicate not just the lyrics, she moved you with the motions and the meanings of the song. The two dudes, did a find job singing, and performing the song, but they feel like they were rushed or they were just racing against time. Diana, took her time and perfected the song
راشد الماجد + حسين الجسمي - الغرقان
فنانة العرب ديانا حداد- الغرقان - جلسات
حصريا ولاول مرة فيديو كليب الغرقان الجسمي وراشد
Two Arab Starlets, Two News Items

Diana Haddad, the household name Lebanese singer performed a music session in Jalasat, Gulf style intimate concert/party style. She performed 10 songs to the cheers of the listeners. While the songs were great one song took home the gold Al Ghargan a song made popular by other Gulf singers, but Diana Haddad took all in and delivered a very fine song. Other songs performed included Fooq Al nakhal and Weenhom.
Diana Haddad ديانا حداد وينهم
Why Do Female Entertainers Marry Business Men?

I just read that the Tunisian beauty and actress Doraa has just gotten engaged to a business man from her country. Few months before Doraa Jordanian singer turned actress has also gotten engaged to a business man from Egypt. But those are not the first or the last female entertainers to find love with a business man.
With the exception of Nancy Ajram, most Arab female entertains marry businessmen, you can always guess that once you read news about a female celebrities in the Arab world getting married, you can tell she married a business man. They all do it and they all try to justify it in some way or another. If they do not go for the business guy, then will pick someone from the business (a director, a producer, or a follow entertainer)
I do not really know why they go for the business guy but here are few attempts to explain this practice:
- Female entertainers are a business, they need someone to manage their careers or at least give them some sound advise
- The businessman is often a rich person, so you know they are not marrying the female entertainer for her money.
- Business men provide a sense of security to the female entertainer. They know this whole thing can go away in a second and when they marry a guy who is well off they do not have to be worried about the future.
- The business man can provide for the female entertainer and help her maintained her lifestyle she has gotten used to.
mercredi 30 mars 2011
This Is Way Sad...Hany

Leave it to Hani Mitwaly to make you want to cry and not to stop until he and his loved one get reunited. Man, his voices is so emotionally charged, he seems really touched and heart broken over this love affair of his. This Egyptian singer knows how to make you tune in and hear his heart beat.
I really want to help Hany, what can I do? Who can I talk to? What's her phone number? I will tell her that you are one of a kind, she cannot abandon you like that. It's a shame. If a guitar is meant to cry Hany's guitar will be in tears. It brings the saddest melodies and he acts the part.
This is a very dark song, it's not for the weak of heart and the sensitive ones, because it's pure tragedy and Hany did a very good job acing this song and making each listeners put himself/herself in that position. This is he music video to tell you not to fall in love becasue recovering form love is way too painful.
هاني متواسي - أحوالي ماتسرش | Hani Mitwasi - Ahwaly Matsurish
Because You Asked For It

You will never guess she is from Morocco from all her Gulf dialect hit songs, she even got the Gulf style makeup right. But this song of his tells us that she can do any song she wants as her voice offers a wide range of possibilities.
Mouna Amarcha in Eshtagtelak "I Miss You" sounds like an Egyptian singer and on top of that she sounds like the helpless romantic who is desperate after not being able to be with the one they love. You can play this song if you live away from home and way form the loved ones.
also you can enjoy this song if you have survived a breakup and against your will when someone move on and the other doesn't Mona is believable in this blues song, but that does not mean she she cannot look good doing this song.
منى أمرشا - إشتقتلك | Mouna Amarcha - Eshtagtelak
I Dedicate This Song to All Arab Dictators
I bet the Tunisian singer Saber Rebai never thought one of his songs will help me feel good when I dedicate it to the Arabic dictators who are fighting their people and meeting the demand of their own ego by slaughtering their own people.
It's a breaup song where the guy takes in so much more than he can take, and then his heart explodes, he comes out of it with a powerful song. But the lyrics also meet the demands of the today's revolutionaries who want to break up with the dictator in charge.
Because once the people dumps those dictators I name Qaddafi and Ali Abdallah Saleh and they will, these brutal leaders will have nothing lift by a room full of dark shadows and a legacy so damaged no one cares to bring up.
Saber Rebai - Khalas Tara [Extra HQ]
It's a breaup song where the guy takes in so much more than he can take, and then his heart explodes, he comes out of it with a powerful song. But the lyrics also meet the demands of the today's revolutionaries who want to break up with the dictator in charge.
Because once the people dumps those dictators I name Qaddafi and Ali Abdallah Saleh and they will, these brutal leaders will have nothing lift by a room full of dark shadows and a legacy so damaged no one cares to bring up.
Saber Rebai - Khalas Tara [Extra HQ]
Wael Jassar Still Rocking It

Wael Jassar recorded this song Nekhaby leah, "Why do we Hide It?" a song for the movie 365 days of Happiness. While the timing of the movie was really bad, it was released few days prior to the start of the revolution in Egypt, and few days later all movie theater were closed. But that does not keep us away from enjoying one more song from Wael, they mature artist.
كليب وائل جسار نخبى لية Wael Jassar Nekhaby Leah
The Embarrassing Pro Qaddafi Sheik

Take this pro Qaddafi imam who appeard on the Libyan TV to attack other religious scholars for saying that Qaddafi is insane and had commited acts that other Muslims are ashame of, acts that qualify to call for his death like Sheik Qaradawy did earlier.
But things get more interesting when the imam making the case for Qaddafi, the man of God forgets to put his phone on silent mode and his ringtone goes's hilarious and embarrassing to the guy. This is defiantly the work of God, he wanted to put this Sheik in his place and remind us all that he is a hypocrite. Let's just say that Nancy Ajram is having the time of her life.
فضيحة معمر القذافي شيخ يدافع عنه نغمة هاتفه نانسي عجرم
The Underrated Abdulfettah Grini

No other hard working Arabian star as under rated as the Moroccan singer Abdulfettah Grini. This young and talented singer who really works hard on both his talent and his career has yet to capitalize on his success and popularity. While he has made his way into the mainstream circles, he still lags behind.
Not sure why this would be the problem for this charismatic and upbeat singer who does pop music like few can. He is also cool dude and he got the hippest hair style among all Arab celebrities. Abdulfettah Grini does a lot of concerts and not too many TV interviews, but for now it seems he is focused on building his brand outside Morocco, his home. I do not recall the arts making a Moroccan song.
I am one of this singer's fans and really applaud his musical choices as his taste in music surprises me, he makes all the smart moves and chooses careful as just about all the songs he included in his album make it big. He does pop, romance and dramatic songs so well. It's true most of his songs make him sound for one of those Egyptian singers, but the guy got his own style.
I included two very different singing songs for this young talent that not only show his voice, but also his acting.
عبدالفتاح الجريني - مخاصمني | Abdulfettah Grini - Mkhasimny
عبدالفتاح الجريني - أشوف فيك يوم | Abdulfettah Grini - Ashof Feik Youm
Ramy Ayach Collects a Morocco Award

The Arabic Music Festival was taking place with a number of concerts and musical shows, the singer who has a soft spot in his heart for Morocco where he performed a song in the famous Moroccan dialect. I think the Moroccan dialect is making a comeback
Ramy thanked the Kingdom, the musician guild and the fans. He performed the night for more than two thousand where he performed his hits and his new Moroccan song "Sawt Alhason"
mardi 29 mars 2011
When She is Hot and He is Not

Shu Ma Sar, "Whatever happens" was one of those Assi songs that you would want to see a music video for because it sounds hip and you can dance along. It has the Baladi beat, he did a fine job with this song.
Assi even looks a lot younger in this music video, something tell me he has some new hair style that knocks 15 years of his true age. Watch him act like the energizer bunny and look darn good doing it.
Assi Hilani has to be the hardest Arab entertainer, he is literary everywhere and it seems he releases a new song every month and does a dozen of interviews and TV appearances. Assi, I am waiting for a song of yours that brings back my memories of you as a complete manly singer, stop this childish stuff and record something you really want us to hear.
عاصي الحلاني كليب شو ما صار بـ النسخة الأصلية
Let Michaella Tell You About Her Dream
If I had a dollar for everything an Arab singer uses the word for dream, I dream in a song, i would then be rich and not have to write blogs. Dreams are kind of private and intimate, but it seems that songs about them are all too popular right now.
Here is a new song by Lebanese singer Michaella telling us about her dream, it's fun pop song that has somewhat serious music or at least take music seriously. It's bit dark song Evanessence style where real and fiction collide. Michaella strikes me like a really decent actor who has the telnet, I think the voice has an area of improvement and I think it's good, but it can really grow.
Michaella - Bahlam / ميكايلا - بحلم
Here is a new song by Lebanese singer Michaella telling us about her dream, it's fun pop song that has somewhat serious music or at least take music seriously. It's bit dark song Evanessence style where real and fiction collide. Michaella strikes me like a really decent actor who has the telnet, I think the voice has an area of improvement and I think it's good, but it can really grow.
Michaella - Bahlam / ميكايلا - بحلم
Syrian Hossam El Hag Wrote Egypt a Love Song
Syrian singer has not yet sang for his country Syria yet, but he won't forget to sing for Egypt and its successful revolution. While some parts of Syria burn, Egypt is in debugging process of the regime and its old guards.
Comes Hossam El Hag who is flirting with Cairo the Hollywood of the East and tell it as it's...nothing can take him away from it becasue he thinks of Egypt as his mother of wife, he cannot love without neither.
I enjoyed the party videos from the streets of Egypt where the flag is present everywhere like out of a sudden people realized they really love their country.
Hossam El Hag - Mafeesh Haga / حسام الحاج - مافيش حاجة
Comes Hossam El Hag who is flirting with Cairo the Hollywood of the East and tell it as it's...nothing can take him away from it becasue he thinks of Egypt as his mother of wife, he cannot love without neither.
I enjoyed the party videos from the streets of Egypt where the flag is present everywhere like out of a sudden people realized they really love their country.
Hossam El Hag - Mafeesh Haga / حسام الحاج - مافيش حاجة
If You Like Guitar and Egypt, Tune In

The song by Tamer Ali starts like a Spanish love melody, and then takes the club mix route. This young Egyptian composer turned singer is yet in another attempt to show his love for Egypt.
This is a catchy tune for those who live club and house mixes as they drive their cars fast on the highway or as they shake it in some Cairo nightclub. If you were going to dance, might as well do so to the tunes of "Egypt, I Love You" song. Tamer is moving quick into the singing circles and what better time to break into this business.
I think this is a light weight song, but do not take it lightly, it's entertaining and moves you, it makes you want to get up and dance.
تامر على - انا واحد مصرى Tamer Ali Ana Wahad Masry
From Palestine to Egypt and Tunisia
This time the singing troupes of a Palestinian men band giving respect and love to the people of Egypt for doing what many thought impossible. The band is clearly an Islamist band of sort as they are all men and there are no real musical instruments.
The song is upbeat and some might find it awesome. This is a love song from the people in Palestine to Egypt and Tunisia. The songs goes to wish for freedom to the holy city of Jerusalem. A nice gesture from the people who have seen the worst from the Mubarak regime who refused to interfere or some anything real for Gaza.
ثارت أرض الكنانة
The song is upbeat and some might find it awesome. This is a love song from the people in Palestine to Egypt and Tunisia. The songs goes to wish for freedom to the holy city of Jerusalem. A nice gesture from the people who have seen the worst from the Mubarak regime who refused to interfere or some anything real for Gaza.
ثارت أرض الكنانة
Hoda Saad Interview W Khabar 3agil

Moroccan singer turned composer Hoda Saad sat with Khabar 3agil and talked about her latest project, she also answered the rumors that she leaked the song which she composed to Tahra, the new Moroccan singer who appeared in Star Academy. Hoda says that she worked for free on the song for Tahara becasue she believed in her talent. Link to this very touching song
Hoda is working on a new duet with a new Kuwait artist Hamad, it's a love song that deals with cheating as we understand. Hoda has one of the most tender voices and she shows a great deal of emotions in all her song. But she can also do those cheeky pop song Like this one.
Hope to hear more of Hoda's work and wish her luck as she seems to be taking the time to do some media blitz while she is in Lebanon as she is meeting an Iraqi channel.
الجزء الاخير - هدى سعد - خبر عاجل
lundi 28 mars 2011
The Sinai Desert Gets Its Song

This is an older song about four years old and it came from no where. This group of young and seasoned Egyptian singers voice this track for Sinai, the Egyptian land that is so dear and return it rightful owners by blood and tears.
You can spot three generation of Egyptian singers performing this song from Hamid El Shari, Ehabd Tawfik to Suma and the dude from Wama. This song made it big and many people played over and over as it has the religious part fused with the nationalist and patriotic parts in such a harmony.
It's like a lesson in history without the boring stuff, the kids will learn from this clip and learn the true value of this land. I remember when this song I thought it sounded new and upbeat, the music is kinda of fun and the message is uplifting.
I Bet You've Never Heard This Before

Moroccan singer Aziz Jalal had it right with Mestnyak....and then she married and quite the business. But her fame and her gem of a song stays with you wherever you go. It's one of those songs that will be in the Arabic memories for decades.
Then enters the stage, Lebanese singer Wadei Murad who has a golden voice that can stand the test of time. So someone had the sight to make a duet with the two singers who come from two different eras and it worked. See this complied song of the same song covered by two different artists.
While you can never add those singers together, but whoever did this music video with the two is amazing as they both bring their best game to this song. While she is old school, Wadie has always a soft spot in his heart for the time of beautiful and original music.
15 Symptoms of Arabitis*

[inflammation of one’s Arabness]
- Severe allergic reactions, such as wheezing, rashes, vomiting and headaches, to Fox News and/or Glenn Beck
- A hoarse and sore throat after demonstrations
- Paranoid fears and delusions, including ringing ears, when others are talking about you
- Swelling of the hands from over-gesturing during conversation
- Prolonged erection and dream-like trance when Arab people depose a dictator (side effect of over-consumption of TV news)
- Abnormally long pinky fingernail
- Inflated feeling of self-importance when given a sound bite in local TV news report.
- Suicidal thoughts or rage when cut off on the highway or publicly humiliated
- Over-exaggerated Arabic accent when speaking English
- Short-term amnesia when friends loan you money
- Tightness in the chest when Republican presidential candidates talk about Islam, or any American politician talks about Israel.
- Increased sweating and nervousness when asked to donate to a Muslim charity
- Trouble sleeping when an Arab country is attacked
- Parsley teeth syndrome.
- Compulsive need to lecture about any subject regardless of one’s familiarity or knowledge
[Tarboush Tip: Will, Nadeem]
Meryam Faris Goes The Extra Mile in Iraq

The young singer sang most of her popular songs and entrained the concert goers, but has also released an Iraqi song as a treat to her fans in Iraq. Ms. Faris even had perfected a local Iraqi dance that earned her the title of Meryam the Iraqi.
Something tells me this concert comes as a response from Meryam to Iraqi singer Shatha Hassoun who has been caught in a public feud with Ms. Faris. Maybe she just wanted to get the message to the Iraqi singer that I am also big in Iraq and I care about Iraq and the people there unlike you--Shatha rarely goes to Iraq.
In the meantime, watch this Iraqi dance and song from Myriam.
مريام فارس ردح عراقي شعبي ارتاح من اشوفه
مريام فارس ردح عراقي شعبي ارتاح من اشوفه
One Song, One Libya, One Goal

Watch this clip by art and theater group based in Darna, a city in Libya. This group was established in 1926! The song goes after Qaddafi and his family while celebrating the protesters and revolutionaries. The team behind this song do not forget to bring up as many names of the Libyans towns and cities.
enjoy the rare pictures there are so many first time seen pictures of the ground operations in Libya. It must feel good to be a Libya right now.
عاشت ليبيا واحدة و عاصمتها طرابلس">عاشت ليبيا واحدة و عاصمتها طرابلس
Watch This Funny Clip About Arab Revolution

Yasser Al Adama, the Syrian actor and humorist has been making fun of Arab regimes and corruption for generations. The funny man who at times sounded like a visionary at early times. Watch this clip from one of his shows. Yasser Al Adama makes so many charters and personalities and aces all of them in such a funny manner and keep them true to life.
the actor takes on the Arab leaders as they all gathered in this room in a meeting delivering fresh gems and one zinger after another. Explaining to them why the revolutions are happening in Arabia.
The actor takes on many serious issues and belittle those leaders and their corrupt agents. He even takes about Swiss bank accounts and the internet. Think of this like a lecture that Arab leaders need to hear becasue the stuff said by Yasser is real and it runs in all minds in the Arab world.
ياسر العظمة يشرح اسباب قيام الثورات العربية
Arabs Got A Fiery Egyptian Poet

The brand new talent showcase show on MBC seems to be quick on wanting to cash in the new Arab revolutions in the Arab countries and the producers and the judges seem to want to cater to those feelings of nationality and pride. The show that was meant to be dance and singing not getting a reboot.
I love this latest segment with up and coming poet from Egypt Amr Qattamish who delivered a very true poet coming from the gut about the media talking heads who dismissed the revolutionaries in Egypt and other countries are silly young men who are morons. The young man really took those talking heads to task and handed them a humble pie after another. I love the final minute where he does a spoof commercial on people who are trying to use the movement.
You can tell Amr will go places and he will sure be a tough contestant to defeat, everyone is watching. One thing thought having Amr Adeeb judge this young man is kinda of a joke this Egyptian TV personality who actualy attacked the protesters and now he is trying to come and play hero and supporter. But Amr Adeeb was not the worset TV personality on this matter, I just do not like hypocrites.
عمرو قطامش قصيدة ميدان التحرير Arab's Got TalenT MBC 4
Melissa Melodee Free Style

If you want to be moved by some free style rap, tune in to this video by Melissa Melodee, this UK young talent that can drop rhymes faster than you can blink. She is good and she seems to have the rage it takes to drop those powerful lines about politics, global and local politics.
19yr old Melissa-Melodee is a singer/songwriter/rapper/poet from London. She is currently working on her mixtape and performs at events with world affair interests. She writes music about her life experiences and problems in the world today. She states "All i want is unity, peace and love. Music can create this and bring people together". Let's support the UK music talent. Stand up!
With this track Melissa Melodee joins a very long line of a global tribe working on behalf of Palestine and its people.
Follow the artist at:
They Censored Us TV - Melissa-Melodee
Maher Zain Let "Freedom" Ring

Maher Zain is one of those musicians who are out to make good music that comes with an uplifting message. He is not the one to make you dance, but he will make your heart and brain dance to the tunes of his powerful messages.
The Danish Arab singer who has exploded more than three years ago with his animated song for Palestine along with a very awesome album with messages of being good and doing good. So you know, he has been touring all around the world performing in concerts and helping fundraiser for various Muslim and Humanitarian causes.
Having said that, you knew it would be a matter of days till this respectable singer release a track to celebrate the revolutions in the Arab world, and we were right. Here comes his single "Freedom" from a live concerts where the flags of various Arab countries plays in the back. This young singer has taken good Muslim music and made it hip again. Never mind his very visible social media activities.
Maher Zain - Freedom (Official Music Video) | ماهر زين - الحرية
A Treat By Bander Saad

Bander Saad is the latest singer from the Gulf to release an album and upon reviewing the album, I must say I'm excited about it. There is some fresh lyrics, and new melodies in fusion with traditional Gulf beat.
There are half a dozen songs on the new album, I did not hear one tired song or son that I have heard before. So there is a good effort on behalf of this artist to introduce new music for Bandar Saad, the cool Arabian guy.
I will be posting a review of his new album soon..
This Saudi singer who made a fine name for himself when his single (Alo Alo) made it big few years ago. the younger listeners enjoyed it and embraced it. Bandar is also a music composer as he writes most of the music for his song.
بندر سعد - عشرة على عشرة - حالياً في الأسواق | Bandar Saad - 10/10
dimanche 27 mars 2011
Asala Does Elissa in Style

Syrian singer is busy fighting allegations from her brother who accuses her of forgery and tempering with official documents. Asala says her brother is on drugs and has stolen money from the family. Her cheating ex husband is also busy making all sort of allegations and working on a script to defame the artist and his former wife. Asala has her own fight in Egypt with the singers union who have issued a gag order on her singing in that country.
When Asala is not too busy with all that she is making music and getting pregnant, she is due to deliver twins soon. But Asala loves the spot light and everyone knows she has the voice to deliver any song she wants including the songs of other singers.
This is the clip of Asala performing part of a popular Elissa song Aychallah, a song that was huge in 2001. But of course Asala has to put her own stamp on the song by owning it and singing in it in a very Asala's fashion
Asala singing for Elissa أصالة تغني أغنية عايشالك لاليس
Hamaki's New Single

The team behind the Mohammad Hamaki YouTube channel have released his single song now on their official channel. The song Hamaki performed and gave it as a gift for his fiance. It's a good song, but I was hoping Hamaki have written the lyrics himself, it would be more real then.
But it sounds like coming from the heart, still the Hamaki safe territory of pop and some fresh musical notes along the cookie cutter pop format. Mabroouk man....
Check This Traditional Libyan Song Out

Check out this old school Libyan song covered by Syrian singer and TV presenter Amal Arafah. While the song talks about love, it does bring up the subject of being robed of what you love, I imagine many people in Libya feel the same thing about their land now. This song take a new meaning now, it really does as you picture the words and think of Libya.
The singers' voices are very comfortable with the words and the music. It seems they had to train hard to get this song our properly. Man the Libyan dialect is very hot right now, it's making a comeback as we hear more of it and more from the front lines of the battles in and around all those fine Libyan towns.
The singers' voices are very comfortable with the words and the music. It seems they had to train hard to get this song our properly. Man the Libyan dialect is very hot right now, it's making a comeback as we hear more of it and more from the front lines of the battles in and around all those fine Libyan towns.
Libyan Song
امل عرفة و فهد يكن مش عيب اغنية من الثراث الليبي
اغنية مش عيب
كلمات علي الكيلاني
الحان رمضان كازوز
غناء فهد يكن و امل عرفة
مش عيب عندي نحب و حيبوني
ننزل ديار العيب يو دموني هدا العيب عندي
مو عيب لو حبيب سود عيونك
العيب يعرفوا االرفاقه نخونك
مو عيوب لوعقالنا ينهونك
العيب و خطاء نشبح الشبح الدوني
مو عيب لو قلتلك فلان نحبك
عيب غيتي في طفل مش مربى
مو عيب لو بين القلوب محبه
العيب الجفاء منكم وعيب تجفوني
مو عيب لو حبيت ضاوي خده
العيب ياخدوا ارضي نجي نتجدا
مو عيب من سلك الدين بيده
العيب يسلبوا حقي قدام عيوني
مو عيب لو حبيت ولد بلادي
العيب تسمعوا غابت نشانه عادي
مو عيب لو صبيت يو الصادي
العيب في الدروب الضايعه تلقوني
مو عيبلو عينك تناجي عيبي
العيب تطلبي فزاع ما تلقيني
مو عيب يا بنت بحلال تجيني
العيب بحرام نخون و يخنوني
The Coolest Egyptian Music Video By Black Theam

Black Theama is too busy celebrating the success of the Egyptian revolution to make a new music video. But that's not a big deal, we have some of their older music videos that can still entertain us. I love it when good lyrics meet, good music and get served in a nice music video with some creative special affects. I love the colors and the style of this music video. This is why indie bands can come up with good stuff, they are indie they can do whatever they want and not just abide by some formula.
This is the music video where they have some fighting words for their loved one, they take the fight to their lady friend and give her some guilt trip while playing some love music. This is a band of three boys who know all about Egypt and life over there, but this music video is not one of those. This song was on there latest album with a dozen of other original and quite good songs.
Instead, Black Theama members pick on the ladies in this song and with their usual charm they bear the bad news to the lady that gave them trouble "No woman no cry" This music video showed me a different side of this all Egyptian band that keeps on making some of the most original music in Egypt. This time, you get to meet all the cast members and get to know their names.
Black Theama - Eh Ya3ny بلاك تيما - ايه يعني
Libellés :
cool videos,
good stuff,
samedi 26 mars 2011
George Wassoud and Haitham Ziad Song

Controversial Syrian singer George Wassouf does not have to work hard anymore, he can just release an album and it will be sold in thousands. His fans stopped listening got his voice and his songs, but they are still loyal to this once an acclaimed singer that rocked the world of Arabic music.
I know this because it has been more than 4 years since the George given us something to get excited it about yet he is still a star and journalists hope to interview the man. The man who once sand those blues and melodramatic songs about breakups and being wronged, now does not seem to care anymore.
Why care? When you are on top of the world and your fans can from an army and defend your legacy and your antics. But somehow George is not done. Throughout his career he has not sponsored any young voice, nor has he done a duet with another singer. But this week the larger than life Syrian is doing just that. He just released a track with Haitham Ziad, a young voice and both singers deliver this song. George sounds a bit tired in it.
جورج وسوف و هيثم زياد - عادى يادنيا
Kicking it Old School With Yousef Al Mattraf

This is one of the songs that any given singer in the Gulf has to cover if they ever wanted to be taken seriously as voices that can entertain. This song separates the boys from the man, the women and girls. The very old school by Yousef AlMattraf. Passed away in 2002 and released his last album in 1998. He is the Godfather of decent original music in the Gulf region, the man who did not live long enough to reap the fruits of the internet.
This Kuwaiti artist that died in a tragic accident when he died in a fire when his house was electrocuted, he was 41 years of age. Made a name for himself in 80s and has released 14 albums in his career mainly Gulf dialect songs. He does not have many recorded music videos or concerts, he cared for music not his image. His songs have bee stolen by many other Gulf region singers, but he has established an archive of good music. Here is a list of his most famous song.
يا نور العين
اعز الناس
راح الأمل
قالت ابي انسى
ليش يا ظالم
متى القاك
يا هاجر
ياعالم السر
جائت تقول
حبيبة خاطري
الوصل أحيانا
فرقونا العواذل
تسألني حيرانه
سميت حبي تسليه
شفتك بعيني
يوسف المطرف - يا ناس أحبه
vendredi 25 mars 2011
Free Style Rap in Gaza

Free Style Rap in Gaza. While Gaza is not exactly free and the Israelis still occupy the land and terrorize the people. Thus making more people angry, and since rage is great for rap, you will not be surprised by the number of rappers in Gaza. While there are not one big name in the rap circles in Gaza. there are scores of many up and coming rappers who are working to find their voice and their own style in this somewhat new genre.
I know the band called PR had few hits and gotten some name recognition, there are few more names like Mothafar Assar. But there are other problem, few people get rap music and even fewer support it. On the Internet there's been accusations of PR breaking the laws of the Koran and promoting a alternate view of Muslim life.
But young people are tuning in and finding their own opinions and styles, so the rappers have new fans and followers. Check out this really short video of few Gaza rappers in free style session, notice how the audience are unsure what to think of this new art form. I know for sure these guys do not look like rappers, becasue to dress like a rapper you might get yourself in trouble.
The Weirdest Music Videos You Will See

The Weirdest Music Videos You Will See, thankfully those do not include any weird Arabic music videos, but that does not mean Arabic music videos are good, they are simply not weird because they are not that creative in the first place and they do not try to rock the boat too much. So when you rick little you lost little.
Here is a few really weird music videos:
Weird song
The end of days song where the sun goes missing
Go for fake looking everything and you put them on drugs
This will bug the hell out of you and make you want to just scream and run as hard as you can from your computer screen.
Epic weird music video, speaking of bearded ladies, creepy looking objects, you are on your way
Here comes the Syrian Hypocrites

Watch this show of suckers showering Assad with love and praises, those people forget they came there in the first place to serve the people not to suck up to the regime. I thought Syria has the smart Arabs, I have no idea where they are right now! Man the speech that was supposed to be a big one had nothing in it, and was disappointing.
See old members of the Syrian Parliament, see the women members and the poets in the house deliver one brown nose after another. they say the people are with him, and the God is with him. sure that's right, the people are with him becasue are the ones not with him are dead, imprisoned or disappeared !
I love the dude who said, the Syrian leader should lead more than the Arab world, and lead the entire world. I am sorry I do not think Assad can run for president in the USA. This is a joke people, those are a bunch of clowns and cheerleaders dressed like people that we ought to respect.
ملخص النفاق في خطاب بشار الأسد أمام مجلس الشعب
Chab Khaled Issues a Press Release

Chab Khaled has to be one of the coolest Arab singers that have global recognition in Africa, Europe, American and Latin America. The song of Algeria and king of Rai and every hip music style does not live too far from the Arab streets.
He releases a press release supporting the Arab revolutions against the dictators who are now running for their lives. The press release had the harshest words for Qaddafi and his brutal tactics against his own people. Which is bold giving that Algeria has not yet spoken against the Tyrant of Tripoli who killed hundreds of civilians and have done so for that past 4o years
"The people have finally woke up and there won't taker it anymore" Chab Khaled is pleased with the change he sees and offers full support for the revolutionaries. He is waiting for the Qaddafi to be given the pink slip shortly. I wish more artists will speak uo in a bold fashion. The question is will Chab Khaled support his own people when the revolt against the current regime. I hope so. But it seems that most Arab entertainers will trash other governments' but not their own.
"I Dream" Not Just Another Egypt Song

2020 project is a new initiative in Egypt for a better future. The young people behind this initiative released a music video where a number of artists compete on their love for Egypt and their vision of their beloved country. A number of indie band and youthful voices came together for this song. There is some street art and graffiti to express the pulse of the Cairo street.
Hany Adel, Zap Thawrat, Cairokee (the coolest name) collaborated on this project and the lines, Ana Tolba directed this artsy joint where great vocals meet sober music on the lyrics of the day after. This project seems to me as those fill in the blank spaces, the people of Egypt have to do just that now in their country.
"I dream" is the title and that's what those dreams hope to do together.
Ba7lam - ZAP Tharwat - Hany Adel - Cairokee -- Directed by: Anas Tolba
Average Arab Listeners, Won't Like It

Here is yet another random and odd music video from the capable Lebanese singer, composer Yuri Markadi. There is tons of feather, a sail boat, a pillow and tons of kids working and just not sure what they are doing.
The title is the world has ended, not sure what the goal of the song or the subject matter. I am guessing Yuri is making the plight of many poor and working children real. There are many children who struggle a lot, but not sure what moved this mostly pop romance singer to do a song on this subject.
If you like this song, then you are better than most listener of Arabic music and it also says you are very educated about Western music. That makes you a sophisticated listener or just someone who is sick of same old 4 musical notes Arabic pop. enjoy this song from this Armenian heritage Lebanese born singer
Yuri Markadi Intaha Al Alam
jeudi 24 mars 2011
When Nader El Attat Screws Up

So Nader picks my favorite Arabic dialect "Al Lahja Al Bydaa" and record a song, a dramatic one, a very dark one. The kind that makes you feel that once the singer finishes the song he went and hang himself. For a seasons artist like Nader, the bar is higher. As he already have several albums out there.
I get it, he is sad, but the water affect where he is talking to me from the water is creepy, scary movies creepy. the singer is too cute to be lift alone crying alone, he will have no problem moving on with his life and not just locking himself and crying his heart out.
The story of the music video is about cheating and then being caught in the act by your loved one. Yes, Nader screwed up big time, he had a gorgeous wife and cheated on her with another hot babe. too bad they already have a baby and it makes the divorce even herder. Directed by hit or miss Lebanese music video director Fady Al Haddad who makes to tell us that everything will be fine.
Nader El Attat - Marrat Habiby / نادر الأتات - مرت حبيبي
Nancy Ajram Showers Egypt With Love

Nancy Ajram is from Lebanon, but the 85 million in Egypt consider her one of their own and so the young pop icon has not disappointed anyone. While pregnant and and busy with her work, she took the time to release this song about Egypt in the wake of the January 25th 2011.
The song is not about one party or another, it's about the people of Egypt and how special it feels to be back in Egypt and the simple things. Nancy is not an Egyptian so, it's classy to stay away form politics and focus on the positive things and remind people why she likes Egypt.
كليب نانسي عجرم وحشانى يا مصر موت Nancy Ajram Wa7shany Ya Masr
I'm Not Feeling Nagy El Ousta

You really cannot write a soft core love and try to be a gangster dressed like the Jersey Shore cast members this is the case of Nagy El Ousta, the latest serving of Lebanese singers. I get is Lebanon is a cool place, but that does not make you cool for being form there.
there are things that do not happen together. Nature says that you cannot have a skinny model as a lover and you are an average looking grease monkey (you are not rich enough, dude). Then he grabs her for one grand smooch. then he goes out for some car racing. And when he is not doing any of this, his stylishness reminds me of Mr. GQ.
This might have been an OK song had I not seen the music video, it kinda of ruined it for me.
Nagy El Ousta - L'aby Ghayra / ناجي الأسطا - لعبي غيرا
Ryan Eid - Ma B'omry Bakeit

Good looking pop singers are a dime a dozen, exceptionally good looking ones who have that dreamy voice are hard to come by. That's the case of Lebanese singer Ryan Eid who comes form a land where decent music with the flavor classical music seem to do fine getting gigs at concerts. The alumni of the hit shot Star Academy 7th season is ready for the professional grade.
Ryan has a sense of style too and he chose a song that showcases a number of his good attributes. I am sure the ladies will swoon over this song. He sounds like that impossible love that you have imagined since you were a little person. This is a very mature song delivered with class and fluff.
Ryan might be new to the game of the music business, but it seems that he is off to a good start. I wish him well and hope to hear more of his new projects, doing singles is the best way to get out there. The fact that he is the son of jazz pianist, guitarist and soul singer explains his maturity.
Ryan Eid - Ma B'omry Bakeit / ريان عيد - ما بعمري بكيت
Dina Hayek Sends Egypt Some Songs

Dina Hayek joins the number of Lebanese singers who have released special songs for Egypt. First there was Nancy Ajram, then Carole Samahe, Assi Hillani and now Dina Hayek who works in Egypt and shoots interviews and music videos. Even though this young Lebanese singer has not been active lately in making new music, she could not skip the revolution in Egypt.
Lyrics doctor, the Lebanese musical lyricists Faris Iskander wrote this song and gave it to Dina who brought to life quickly. While there is no actually music video but rather random slide shows and footage with a fixed picture of the Lebanese singer attached. While the song is not dramatic of mourning the dead and the fallen, it's filled with optimism.
There are some touching images, but this song is mostly happy and hopeful,it fits the persona of the singer herself who has a very charming voice. She calls Egypt her second home and she sends the love of Lebanon in this song to Egypt. It's a good song and I am glad Dina is back on track to her music career. This is a house cat that has a flexible voice and good fan base.
Dina Hayek - Om El Donya Ya Masr / دينا حايك - أم الدنيا يا مصر
August Burns Red Skip Tel Aviv Please

I was unhappy with the news when I heard the Lancaster based American band August Burns Red is headed to Israel. The country that brought so much pain on my family and thousands of families in our little town Beit Lahia (a town very similar to Lancaster) My girl cousin and three of my best buddies seen the worst of Israel so have hundred of my little town's residence. This happened and no one in the city of Tel Aviv cared to protest the savages and brutal ways of their beloved army that fires at anyone who looks like me.
I am sure that the fans of this incredibly unique and awesome band are smart and embrace life. But not many of the fans in Tel Aviv, while they embrace life, they rob life away form Palestinians. I am saddened to see August Burns Red go out of their way to entertain Tel Aviv while my family struggles in Gaza to make ends meet. Since the day the band was formed in 2003, I have news for them, read the number of Palestinian casualties in that year alone (Link). The Israeli army has the people of Palestine "Up Against the Ropes"
August Burns Red is scheduled to perform at Barby (Tel Aviv) on 9 Jun 2011. We are asking August Burns Red to stand for the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel until it abides by international law and stops its brutal occupation of the Palestinian people. Following the lead of other artists such as Roger Waters, Pete Seeger, Massive Attack, The Klaxons and Gorillaz Sound System, Carlos Santana, Elvis Costello, Devendra Banhart, Faithless, Gil Scott-Heron, The Pixies, Snoop Dogg (Snoop was quoted as telling Palestinian-American hip hop producer Fredwreck “Why they building a wall around y’alls people’s shit. That’s fucked up, cuz.’)
So I am asking JB, Brent, Matt, Jake, and Dustin to reconsider their Til Aviv visit. From one thrill seeker, I ask you to be the messengers of peace. Otherwise, I am calling your Tel Aviv gig "A Shot Below the Belt", your decision is about our "Existence". not about politics, but about people and doing the right thing.
Join this call here on Facebook
Sameeh Shoqeer Song for Daraa Syria

The Syrian musician Sameeh Shoqeer is the lone voice in Syria who released a song condemning the killings in Syria. While Syria has more than a thousand singer who are well known in the Arab world, none of those singers cares to sing for the fallen or even to Syria (see our blacklist).
Sameeh is the intellectual musician who is well known in Syria for his many nationalistic and patriotic songs. Sameeh is a true independents spirit as he refuses to join any political parties. So the caring singer took to the airwaves and releasing a song for the killing in Daraa where tens of civilians have been assassinated by the Assad regime.
While he is not a household name outside Syria, Sameeh Shoqeer did a number of songs for Syrian movies and TV shows as well as theatrical music. One of the plays he composed music for is a Mahmoud Darwish work. This sarcastic leftist has taken a lot of courage by releasing this song that went viral.
R A S M A L A T..سميح شقير .. يا حيف ..الى درعا
Nancy Ajram, Daughter and Mother Appear

They called her the hardest working mother, the most popular mother, and some go as far as calling her the hottest celebrity mommie. It takes some courage to for a pop star to take on the stage with her little girl on TV without losing your fame or your iconic status.
Nancy Ajram brought her daughter to MTV, the Lebanese network with her cute two year old daughter who looks a lot like her. Meela, Myla or Mila is the name of the little girl. The grandmother was there too, so you get three generations of Nancy Ajram at the same time. They all look fine. See the granny is still looking youthful and shared some thoughts about raising Nancey's little girl.
Toward the middle of the clip, you get to see Nancy sing for he little girl and her mother a very cute song. It's amazing chemistry how the little girl is attached to her very busy mommy. This is a very different side of Nancy and I have to say, she aces all sides and mange to gain popularity. She seems to be on her way to have pretty much everything. the stellar career, the loving family, and the the admiration of the peers and the fans.
برنامج ليلة عيدك : نانسي عجرم مع ميلا لأول مرة الجزء
When It Comes to Egypt, Assi Wants In

It takes a real Lebanese celebrity to channel his inner Egypt and pitch in to say few kind words about the revolution in Egypt that has touched each and every Arab living inside or outside that part of the world.
Before releasing a song about/ for Egypt, the singer had enough time to sing for the Saudi King and celebrate his safe return from his medical trouble. Not sure if those two events are related, maybe Assi Hillani was waiting to get a good song so that he can deliver it. Two other Lebanese singers have already did songs for the Egyptian revolution, Carole Samahe and Nancy Ajram both did two wonderful song using the Egyptian dialect.
The song plays like a remix of an nationalistic song and dramatic one. It's in Egyptian dialect, Assi has not done much work in Egyptian dialect, his signature style is Lebanese. It cannot be an Egypt song unless you bring up the Nile, the Pyramids, and the mother of the world. Enjoy
عاصي الحلاني أغنية مصر العظيمة
mercredi 23 mars 2011
Tamer Ashour Says It As it's

- Mohammad Fouad, God helped you break up from Rotana
- Mohammad Hamaki, May God give you more and keep him on the right track
- Amr Mostafa, chill, calm down! Enough with the phony temperament
- Amr Diab, may God show you the way out of Rotana
- Tamer Hosny, May God help you during your ongoing debacle
- Mohammad Mounir, the voice of Egypt
- Salim Al Hindi, (Head of Rotana) May God show you the way away from Rotana
- Egyptian composers, the country is clean now, do not do trashy stuff, Transcend.
- Mother, Happy Mother's Day and may God keep you by my side.
Meet The Jon Stewart of Arabia

Bassem Youssef is a young bright star of Egyptian comedy. B+ is the name of the YouTube Channel he launched. The show is titled the "Bassem Youssef Show". So far he has uploaded five videos and those videos are nothing short of hilarious. This is not the average not so funny Egyptian guys who think they are funny when they are dreadful.
Bassem Youssef took on all those ridiculous attacks against the protest and the protesters. there has been so many of those random, inflammatory and moronic comments on live TV. this is something fresh and something original. I am a fan of this new team and love the way Bassem Youssef delivers his lines in a very John Stewart Way.
He has a good team that manged to compile all those videos and he is ready to take on them one by one and bring a laugh at the expense of those hypocrites and brown nosers who attacked the protesters with nothing buy lies and garbage. This is a promising show and i think some TV network will be making an investment in it pretty soon.
Bassem Youssef has been working as an anchor for some time and it shows in his skills and his confidence. I hope the show grows and continues to be as funny as humanely possible. Everything is funny about Bassem Youssef, if you Google him the first hit is for an Arab American FBI agent who is the highest ranking Arab American in the agency.
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