lundi 17 octobre 2011

Nawal Ghasham, Good Vocals, Little Fame

Nawal Ghasham is no celebrity, in fact few outside her country Tunisia know who she is. But once you hear a song of hers you know this lady kicks ass with her voice forte vocals and incredible pronunciation of Arabic words. She is also known in Libya, the country right next to Tunisia.

Nawal sings those hard poems that require training and intensive rehearsals. The singer got in some hot water over her song in 2008 which she called Saddam Hussein a Martyr when he was executed few years ago.

She came to fame in the 90s with her cover of folklore songs. Her voice and style reminds me a bit of that late Tunisian singer Zikrah. I wish more people with know about Ms. Ghasham, she can really sing and entertain you for a long time with her forte.

Ngoum El Leil - Nawal Ghasham نجوم الليل - نوال غشام

Bela Moaataba - Nawal Ghasham بلا معاتبه - نوال غشام

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