lundi 17 octobre 2011

BAB Concert (Bands Across Borders) Music is Fun

This is one of the best promo videos I have seen in modern history. A group of independent entertainer get together and plan a concert in Amman Jordan, with 20 musicians and a comedian. Then they put out this video to get the word out about their concert.

They start calling one another and show you the how the sausage is made. They look for sponsors too and all the messy process. They even lampoon themselves too. This is an team effort by a group of young men who don't take themselves too seriously and that's rewarding.

The BAB promotional online campaign has gone viral and I think it will pay off big for those artists who are performing there, I think this is a tourist attraction, who can say no to good entertainment and a night of humor and creative music that blends in the bet of the East and the finest of the West.

BAB Concert (Bands Across Borders) Friday 28.10.2011

BAB Concert Promo (Friday 28th Oct, 2011 - Amman, Jordan)

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