jeudi 27 octobre 2011

Tareq Al Attrash Arabic Porn And Cigarettes

Ladies in Bikinis setting by the poolside, lilting up and smoking some tobacco across the pool from some handsome dude with some shades. I love the song and hate it at the same time. For starter, it promotes smoking to the wrong people, it makes it sexy and I won't be surprised if it was not underwritten by one of the tobacco distributors in Lebanon.

Then the girls are all bust covered up, the dude is covered up a lot more than the females. Then comes the Jacuzzi moment, one guy with three girls--I am sure he will say I am not for polygamy but as a lifestyle he seems to indulge himself. Wait, they are sipping from margaritas looking glasses.

Then comes a warning that smoking causes dangerous health risks. But this message falls short of being a serious one. This is the playboy mansion antics, and I am pretty sure the dudes fantasy about the kind of music video.

Tareq Al Attrash - Al Sigara / طارق الأطرش - السيجارة

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