This is huge!
Egypt's hottest lyrical genius Ayman Bahjat Amar issued a call to all composers, musicians, and lyricists not to collaborate or give their work to Egypt's hottest pop star Amr Diab. Those comments were made on Facebook account for the lyricist page.
here are original comments in Arabic:
"لما تكون فنان مصري كبير وتقبل تبيع أغانيك وتاريخك لـ(مردوخ) الإسرائيلي، دي حريتك الشخصيه، لكن أنا أغانيا دي أنا سايبها لبلدي ولولادي من بعدي أنا مابابيعش تاريخي". وتابع "أنا وعمرو مصطفى ومحمد يحيى مش هنشتغل في سي دي عمرو دياب الجديد، ونصيحه لكل زملائي الشباب الجداد، إحنا إتضحك علينا زمان عشان ماكانش فيه حد عنده ضمير ونصحنا، محدش يمضي أمر النشر الخاص بروتانا اللهم بلغت".
Translation: When you are a huge Egyptian star and accepts your songs to be sold to the Israeli Ruprt Murdoch, this is your personal freedom, as far for my songs, I am leaving them for my children and my country, I never sell my legacy.
He added"
"Myself, Amr Moustafa and Mohamed Yehia we will not collaborate on Amr's new CD, and I advice my colleagues and the young talents, we have been duped in the past and no one gave us advise on Rotana's work, God is my witness"
The lyrical poet refers to the partnership between Rotana and Fox which is owned by the Australasian Murdoch. It's true the businessman now owns a portion of the Arab entertainment pie and archive thanks to the good prince of Saudi Arabia Al Waleed.
Do not there people read the news and see that Fox hates Arabs and in some cases incites violence against them, Muslims and other minorities.
أيمن بهجت قمر تامر حسنى اسلوبه رخيص
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