mardi 28 juin 2011

Bassem Soror Takes a Shot At Egypt's State Security

For long, the State Security Agency of Cairo has been the source of many controversies, it scares people and most Egyptians wish to never hear the name yet alone come to deal with this ruthless and sometimes corrupt agency. But This is not last year's Egypt, and this is not the same agency.

Bassem Soror, the young Egyptian singer is taking a show at this fear mongering agency in his latest song that will be released in his album of five songs. My phone is no longer tabbed, I do not need to look over my shoulder. I am free and have nothing to fear. No one to comes in the middle of the night to arrest me and take me away for months and years with no charge.

As of Bassem's voice, not sure, I think it lacks flavor, an identity that makes it stand out in the crowd.

خلاص أمن الدوله.

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