mercredi 29 juin 2011

Rest In Peace Classy Soad Mohammad

Soad Mohammad, the Egyptian singer that has given that country some of the most memorable classic songs we came to love has passed away On July 4th 2011, at the age of 85. She has been ill for some time and have been subjected to a number of surgeries in the heart and the head.

She will be remembered for her career and her legendary voice. She has performed the song for the movie "Alsbhimaa", about the early history of Islam. And has acted in a movie titled "A Young Women From Palestine" and "I am Alone". While she has only acted twice, her songs appeared in a umber of movies where other stars lip synced to her songs. She will be survived by her children and to be buried today in the family's plots.

If I am not mistaken Soad's mother is Syrian Lebanese. She was living in Syria before she was discovred and shipped to Egypt where she became a star for generations.
وحشتني عدد كلام .. الهوى " سعاد محمد "

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