mercredi 29 juin 2011

Carole Samah Owns Sabah Chahroura Role

When Carole Samah was announced as the actress singer who will be filling in the role of Lebanese golden diva Sabah, I was skeptical. She looks nothing like her and there are other stars who could take on the role. But I know that Carole worked hard for the role and used every bit of influence she has.

The slowly we are seeing more of Carole in the role, and the more we see, the more believable she seems in that role. As we watch the promotional song for the TV drama "Maleka 3al Ard", you are offered a timeless journey throughout the history of Arabic music for at least 70 years.

The series preview seems to focus on the personal life of Sabah more than on her music, we are being told there will be 20 songs in the series. There are at least three shots where Sabah gets slapped by some dude, did that really happen did her husband abuse her?

On the art side, this is looking like a really great picture with lots of characters, colors, and a bigger budget than many works we have seen. Coming to think of it, this is a history of Lebanon, Egypt and artists making Arabic music for ages.

You will see a lot of male actors trying to win over Sabah, lots of cool cars! There is a lot a lot of drama, which goes with the art from. There is some truth behind the drama, but since the directors do not want to be sued by artists and their estate for making accusation, they would be smart not call it facts.

"Maleka 3al Ard" - El Shahrora - Carole Samaha

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