samedi 25 juin 2011

Latifa, Nizar, Kathem! The Golden Treo

Tunisia, Syria and Iraq are the home of those three great talents in Arabic music. The first brought her best vocals and best look and youthful persona yet to date, the second wrote the lyrics that combine the best of all things love, and the third brought his best muse when he composed the music for this modern day classic song.

The song was a hit by all accounts, and no one saw it coming, they did not talk about it, much, they just did it and we were like, Give Me More please. The title is Tloumny El Donya, "People Blame Me" About love and the choices we make for who we fall in love with.

It's beautiful poem and the music video for it is enchanting. It brings the best of spring and colors. The outfits, the makeup and the mode is like entering a Disney fairy tale. And all won't matter had the music did not bring the best in the lyrics. A a loud shout out must go for Tariq Al Arian for directing this absolutely gorgeous picture. This is one of his finest gem, it's the gem of everyone who had anything to do it.

Latifa - Tloumny El Donya / لطيفة - تلومني الدنيا

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