vendredi 11 novembre 2011

Bokra Brings Singers Out Of The Black List

  1. Saber El Robae did not support the Tunisian revolution, and so did Latifa his country men.
  2. Nassif Zaytoun is in the camp of Assad and has released a song that talks about the regime and its priorities.
  3. Kathim Al Saher has stayed away from his home Iraq for years and according to at least one source he was critical of the Arab spring.
  4. Tamer Hosny needs no intro, first he was silent on the revolution, then he spoke in favor of Mubarak and the regime, then he made the Tahrir people sound like foreign agents. Then he went to Tahrir and got in trouble for it.
  5. Sherine was late to support the revolution in her country, and she has sang for Mubarak before last year when he got back from Germany after medical attention.

Yes, they had the right ideas, but none of the voices stood with the people of their country in the face of oppression. None of the indie bands and the voices that chose the revolution and the people were featured.
Tomorrow / Bokra Operetta - اوبريت بكرا

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