mardi 22 novembre 2011

Egyptian Revolution Take Two

It takes real men and women who are dedicated to their country to do what one sees in Egypt now. The old farts of Egypt are trying to steal the people's power. They did nothing, they people kicked out Mubarak not those old farts.

So now comes back round 2 of the struggle toward democracy. The youth are too smart for their own good, they are not buying those empty promises and the army custom making the next leader, it's something the people have to do not some council run by people with personal agendas.

This track has been circulating the net by Qabila support of the round two of the protests. It's interesting to see the same ones who did the killing during the Mubarak years, are now back doing the same thing like nothing has chanced. Business as usual, this is something no one agrees with.

مفيش رجوع @QabilaTv

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