mercredi 23 novembre 2011

Hasnaa Makes Music For The World Music Section

Hasnaa comes from Morocco and thus she knows a thing of two about world music. Morocco has been a place where musicians from all around the world go to get inspired. Arab artists are no different. Hasnaa grew up in that kind of culture and it shows in her music.

Take for example one of her early songs--that's prior to her smashing album of 2005 Bamaba. A song she make with the Gypsy kinds who seem to love Arabs and Arabs love them back. Scores of Arab singers have done songs with those guys. The Spanish guitar bewitches Arabs like no other musical instrument.

Elissa did a song with them too, and so did others, but their music also shows often in Arabic music. You can argue that Muslims in Spain has a thing or two with the guitar. We know Amr Diab shot to fame once again with his Habiby Ya Noor Al Ain hit of 1998.

Yala Bena Yala - Hasnaa Wa Gipsy يالا بينا يالا - حسناء والجيبسى

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