vendredi 11 novembre 2011

Mona Amarcha 2011 Ready To Download

Mona Amarcha shot to fame on Star Academy, this charismatic beautiful Moroccan singer did not look back at those days. Instead she abandoned her county and moves to the Gulf where she worked on her craft and chose to represent music from that part of the world. One, the money is right, two Gulf men love any and all foreign women.

Couple of years later and two albums as a result, you know this spunky and energizer bunny has been asked to do duet with just about any male singer in the Gulf area. So now comes her 2011 album where the Gulf is in the center stage, and the beat is just right. Lyrics are never a problem in Arabic albums, they tend to never run out of words.

How about using a French word in a Moroccan sounding song that uses the Gulf Dialect. 12 track of pop made just right, production value is not an issue becasue Mona seems to know her way around a number of studios. Get your fix of gillie romance, catch music and everything in between.

01 - Gowat Galb
02 - Ya Nas Dlonee
03 - Mol3a Aldnyah
04 - Orvoar
05 - Eth7ak
06 - Tamrni Shay
07 - A7ba
08 - Alwthe3 May6mn
09 - Al6beb
10 - Mn Warai
11 - Haweni
12 - Alfstan Al2sowad

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