vendredi 11 novembre 2011

Masar Egbary Band Blends Funk With Sarcasim

Masr Egbary is yet another boy band in Egypt. But they are not a Cairo band, they are all Alexandria and they mean business. At the Sawy Cultural Wheel-post Mubarak's hottest concert venue they had two back to back concerts on November 19th.

I find this is a funky brand where the music is the show, but in reality the vocals are not their best attribute. I find their music and sense of humor bring out the best in the fans. Massar Egbari (another spelling) come to life in 2005. They created a sarcastic name for the band since they felt that society exerts its power over people from their childhood till the day they die. This social power wants to stereotype everything including the way we think and feel, leaving no space for creation and innovation.

This is a fresh concept in band music, where you bring out the best feature of your band, humor, creative writing and jumping on the topic of the day.

The Band defines itself this way

Alexandria is an Egyptian band that started from the Library of Alexandria and its name stems from the idea of the path, which forced the community to think through it. And they offer words that reflect the heritage of the community and the Egyptian singing rock music

اقرا الخبر - مسار اجباري ( Masar Egbary - E2ra Al kahabr )

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