mardi 21 août 2012

How shocking discovery inspired one man to lose 281lbs

A 28-year-old man has lost 281lbs after completely overhauling his life.

Jarvez, a former college football player from Portland, Oregon, went from 548lbs to 267lbs after ditching fast food for healthier alternatives and adopting an extremely intense exercise regime.

As a star of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, he was motivated to lose the incredible amount of weight after splitting his work pants one day and realizing that no store stocked a replacement in his size.

Jarvez, who began 'getting big' during middle school, was more than 360lbs overweight when he approached the weight loss show.

When he split his pants, he was forced to take three days off work in order to wait for a custom-made pair to be sent to him after he placed an order for it online.

'When I couldn't buy a pair of pants, everything became real,' he said. 'Every day I say I'm sexy, every day my family tells me I'm crazy. So it took a while for me to look in the mirror and say "Wow, you have a problem".'

He stuck to a diet of 2000 calories per day which was low in sugar and sodium. he also weight trained three days per week and cardio-trained for two-four hours six times per week.

Source : Daily Mail

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