samedi 1 octobre 2011

Hoda Saad 2011 Album Titled "Lovebird"

Hoda Saad is one of those artists that works alone and does her thing in a quiet fashion, she is Moroccan, but her base is in Lebanon where those talents call it home. She started as a singer, and now that she has dabbled into music composition, she now is back with a new album that seems to be bringing it all together.

Tayer Al El 'Hob is the title, lovebird about how that bird that brings her the news of the loved one and cures her ills. There are three sample tracks that are out now released by Rotana to warm up for the roll out, at least two of those songs is in the Moroccan dialect.

I am a fan of Hoda's, it has been about three years since I have come across her music and she does not ever let you down with her voice, music or her image. I must say, I like what I heard in the samples and I think the album would be a good addition to this impressive talented and down to earth starlet.

Again, keep on mind Hoda now writs her own lyrics and music, making her light years ahead of half a dozen of those pop singer. She is not just a singer she is the whole package.

Houda Saad - Shafuk M3aha ft. Hamad 2011 / هدى سعد - شافوك معاها ٢٠١١

El 3eshra - العشره

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