lundi 22 octobre 2012

RIP Jannat Now That You Have Joined Rotana Trash Bin

Rotana sucks at making stars, they do an OK job throwing parties and events. They manage few big names to--10 percent whom they give 90 percent of their time. The remaining stars are told to go find money for themselves and those are the 90 percent of the stars under the Rotana banner.

The bad news, Egypt just has lost one of its coolest cats of pop. Jannat, the Moroccan whose music has always been made an produced in Egypt leaves that country to go join Rotana. This is bad because most stars are leaving Rotana and here Jannat comes in while most are rushing out of this company that ha slots of funds, but little luck in their music division.

I am sorry to say it, but I feel that Rotana has just added Jannat to their overstuffed trash bin. the facts are this, Jannat has produced her soon to be released album on her dime, Rotana sings up the star now and they also get to claim her new album. Jannat is a big sales magnet, she moves records. Her last album was released in 2009 and was a hit in Egypt and throughout Arabia. Why, Jannat makes soulful music and most musicians and lyricist like to collaborate with her.

What Jannat now can do is take part of the many concerts and events around Cairo--she usually charges a reasonable rate. With Rotana in the middle, the fee will go up and the mangers will make it harder to bring Jannat for a concert. But it will get worse, it seems that the Egyptian song has no place in Rotana--they do not fund as many. The company has the singed contract with Jannat and they are getting ready for a press confrence to announce Jannat's career death sentence.

The focus is the Gulf music and the Lebanese ones too.  Next you know, Jannat will release an album to the Gulf market--then she will be nobody in under 6 moths. But the good news, she can always do wedding parties in the Gulf and be treated like shit.

Jannat "Habibi 3ala Neyato" Clip - English Subtitle كليب جنات حبيبي على نياته

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