lundi 22 octobre 2012

TV Preacher Safwat Hegazi Is A Shameful Liar!

At first he was a big suck up to Mubarak, he has even kisses the dictators hand. But the Egyptian Imam and TV preacher has just been handed his ass back to him by alone bold women who chose life when the imam chose the side of death. This is the tale of one woman who has survived bullying, lies and intimidation by very powerful people.

The background story, in 2004, Egyptian actor Ahmed Fishaway was married to a young Egyptian woman with the name Hind Elhinnawy. Hind has gotten pregnant. Instead of being a man and a decent Muslim Ahmed denied the relationship and got the backing of few religious folks who like to be on TV. The actor swore on TV that this child is not his. At first the family refused to take a DNA test and called Hind bluff.

But Hind schooled them big when she had the baby and proofed beyond doubt that this girl is his through tests and a court of law. She was aided by her well educated parents who stood next to her and helped her in her legal fight. As of May 24, 2006, the girl had a father and he was that turd Ahmed Fishawy.--read more on this here

Way to go Hind you schooled those hypocrites and their religious clowns. Among the liars is beloved Egyptian actor Farouk Fishway who has sided with his son. Later, they have shifted the blame on the preacher who was guilty of making fatwa that make no sense. Luckily, the little girl lives among us now and spends a great deal of time with her mom (who deserves her) and those who love her.

One Imam was caught in in the crossfire is TV preacher Safwat Hegazi who has been talking about the incident recently and denying and wrong doing. The imam who is full of shit has even alluded to Hind in his talks and such. He has also spoke about some secrets he knows that he won't share. But Hind would not be intimidates by such clowns--really good for her and took to twitter with four tweets:

  1. Had you had a secret, you would not be talking about having one. 
  2. You have advised Ahmed to sacrifice 60 camels in exchange for his aborting a 5 month fetus. You also wanted the money to go to your pocket.
  3. You are laying when you say, I did not ask you to testify  I did and this is on the court's record, you just did not bother to going.  
  4. If you ever talk about me again, I will sue you for libel and defamation.

I am really sick of people who bastardize my religion to make a profit, I am sick of people pretending to be good while on public, but act all evil on their own private life. I am tired of people who pretend to value life, but be willing to murder another soul while others are not looking.  

الفنان فاروق الفيشاوي يواجه صفوت حجازي بحقيقته

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